Are you thinking of selling? Don’t call the real estate agent just yet!! The traditional real estate market is not a perfect fit for every property or seller. The industry standards for listing homes have evolved… If your home does not look like-new, the MLS may not be a perfect fit. Typically, homes in less than optimum condition take longer to sell since the majority of buyers are looking for a property they can immediately move into.
It can become challenging to handle the day-to-day maintenance as well as the repair bills as the property ages. Financial issues can put a damper on keeping homes in tip-top condition. Some owners are not financially able to wait out the listing, marketing, showing, and negotiating the home’s sale. While others who are not under any type of a financial or time constraint would prefer to make a slightly higher profit on the property and keep the commissions for themselves.
Read on as we explore three unconventional ways to sell your house in Murfreesboro.
If you happen to find yourself in a position to offer a rent-to-own opportunity, this is the first of our unconventional ways to sell your house in Murfreesboro. Through this sales method, you can make a more significant profit on the sale of your home; however, it will take a few years to realize fully. For the trouble of holding onto the property and providing the opportunity to your buyers, you can sell at an above-market price and charge higher monthly rent. Typically, these contracts include an extra monthly payment towards the down payment in addition to the monthly rent. As a result, buyers enjoy a homeownership experience while you realize higher profits on the sale. On the flip side, if your buyers discover problems with the property, even if you were unaware of them, you’ll have to fix it or disclose it to the subsequent buyers. Additionally, you’ll be setting the price for the home based on a guestimate of the future market. At the same time, you may end up selling for more than would be possible at the time, the market could have a sudden burst, and you could lose thousands in potential profit by locking in the sales price now.
You can always sell the house yourself. Prep, list, and market the property yourself, saving the commissions you would have paid a realtor… But, only about 11 percent of those homeowners who try this are successful. Should you choose this route, you must understand that the primary job of a real estate agent is to market your home. To compete against other listings, you will need the same prep work, high-quality photography, and online exposure for the same results. Additionally, these sellers typically value their home using less than conventional means, and when the price is not right, the sale just does not happen. Overpriced homes sit because the tech-savvy buyers of today are fully aware of how much house they can buy for the amount you’re asking. Underpriced homes sit because these buyers are left to wonder what is wrong that is unseen in the listing. Most importantly, it is essential that you fully understand the laws regarding disclosure and the consequences of neglecting this aspect of home sales.
Direct Sale
The easiest way is to sell your house in Murfreesboro is call Provision Homes at 615-310-1909. You can bypass the clean up and repair expense and hassles since we buy houses as-is. We are cash buyers and have money available to get the deal done so no need to concern yourself with financing contingencies.. Added to these benefits is the flexibility of setting the closing date around your schedule; we can close in as little as seven days or hold off until you’re ready. If you’re considering the easy way to sell your house in Murfreesboro, why not talk to an expert at Provision Homes, LLC. We will detail each process step by step, taking the time to listen to any of your concerns, so you can decide what is best for you. Contact Provision Homes, LLC today at (615)-310-1909.